Residency _ Monsoon Platform_ Belgia, 2017

Residency :

1. Monsoon Platform, Belgia (2017)

On behalf of the EUROPALIA Indonesia Festival we would like to invite you to participate in the Monsoon Platform organised by EUROPALIA Indonesia in collaboration with STUK Art Center and Kobalt Works.  Monsoon will take place from December  12th - 22nd 2017 in Leuven, Belgium. 

Concept + General Information:

Monsoon@Leuven is a trans-cultural, multi-disciplinary and collaborative research platform for Indonesian and European artists initiated by choreographer Arco Renz, artistic director of Brussels-based company Kobalt Works and performing arts curator of the EUROPALIA Indonesia Festival.  Monsoon is a curatorial project that has research, debate and inter-cultural arts practice at its heart. The project seeks to engage Indonesian and European artists, as well as cultural operators and organisations with the values of artistic exploration in an interdisciplinary and cosmopolitan arts context. 

Together with Charlotte Vandevyver, performing arts curator of STUK, we co-curate a new edition of Monsoon in the framework of EUROPALIA Indonesia, inviting 4 artists from Indonesia and 4 from Europe. Newly conceived for its 8 participants and the specific cultural context of Leuven, Belgium, and Indonesia, Monsoon is a 10-days platform in which the artists are invited to encounter, explore and work together without pressure to deliver a quick “product”. The idea is basically to have a “blind date” with another artist and spend 10  days in Leuven, focusing on research, experiment, and exchange, embedded in a group of 8 participating artists. The focus is on research and exchange and not on making a product, each “blind date” is basically invited to negotiate and do exactly what they want to do. On December 14th, you are invited, in a shared performance evening with the other 3 Indonesian artists, to present a short solo work (10-20 min). This performance will take place in the main theatre of STUK. The residency will offer a creative infrastructure and framework for all participating artists. During the platform, specialists and academics working in different fields punctually intervene, as “zap guests”, in the artistic research process. The facilitators Arco Renz and Charlotte Vandevyver will be discretely present during the platform. They will “witness” the processes and, together with the team of STUK, accompany the artists organisationally. 




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